(Episode 28) Sexual Healing as a Path to Longevity with Dr. Willow Brown

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

Our guest today is Dr. Willow Brown, an internationally recognized teacher of Daoist sexologist and doctor of Chinese Medicine, who specializes in endocrinology. Her offerings provide a profound understanding of what it means to engage in sacred sexuality and live a sensual life. Dr. Brown has studied the human body and its correspondence with nature for the last two decades. Her style is a blend of many modalitiessuch as yoga, Qi Gong, acupuncture and cranio-sacral therapy.

Dr. Brown is also an international speaker and author. She has coached thousands of women, men and couples in creating a powerful connection, potent intimacy and prevailing unconditional love. It is her heartfelt desire to serve humanity out of shame, guilt and self-doubt that leads those in pain to her doorsteps. 

Dr. Brown’s path to the healing arts began after gaining a sense of self-empowerment that followed a deeply traumatic event she experienced as a teenager. She felt the need to reform sexual education after realizing the ambiguity and gap in sex knowledge prevalent around her.

After attending acupuncture school, she started teaching Daoist sexology to her patients and students. Dr. Brown learned a great deal about Jing Qi or sexual energy during her six month trip around Asia. Since Jing Qi was not covered in depth in her acupuncture school training, she expanded her knowledge on the topic by consulting books and using her own experience and intuition as a guide. 

The Ancient Wisdom Approach

Dr. Brown calls her treatment framework the Ancient Wisdom Approach, which is based on the four phases of the moon cycle and how they relate to the five Chinese elements (Fire, Wood, Metal, Earth and Water). 

Dr. Brown elaborates that every living being on Earth has a moon cycle as their water contents are being influenced by the moon’s gravitational pull.

The four phases of the moon cycle also relate to the seasons and as women menstruate, they experience fluctuations since the moon exerts its energy on us. It’s a lot of energy to navigate in a short amount of time but when we understand the Chinese elements as they relate to our physiology and the four phases of the moon cycle, we can learn to schedule and manage our life (including sex) much better. Dr. Brown believes the Ancient Wisdom Approach gives peopleespecially women in their fertile yearsa lifeline so when they’re overwhelmed, a structured system exists to help guide them.

It is perfectly normal if a woman’s menstrual cycle doesn’t follow the moon cycle — you can still follow the transition of the seasons and tune into yourself and listen closely to your body and understand its natural rhythms. 

Becoming Sexually Empowered

Dr. Brown’s approach to treating people experiencing difficulty with hormonal changeswhether it’s menopause, perimenopause, postmenopause or andropauseis to trace the root of the problem and really understand if the adrenal glands are being nourished or depleted on a regular basis.

Once the endocrinological aspects of hormones are addressed either through Chinese medicine, acupuncture, nutrition or just learning about the changesour sexuality in turn will be much healthier and supported. 

Menopausal syndrome, for instance, is very common in high-stress societies and some of the most common symptoms are often attributed to being “normal”, when in fact they are not. Our essence, or Jing, is compromised when we’re constantly stressed and depleted so it’s crucial to slow down and tune into our body in order to allow it to come back to equilibrium. 

Sexual trauma is also an ever-growing problem in the world and it can have both physical and mental effects. Dr. Brown says it’s not uncommon for patients with past sexual trauma to come in with debilitating diseases, especially conditions that involve the reproductive system. 

Since our genes or curriculum are programmed during the gestational period, trauma can hinder our lower chakra, directly affecting our curriculum and keeping us from unfolding our destined life or keeping us from living a fulfilled life. 

What is Sexual Health & a Technique to Improve It

Sexual health is knowing what brings the most pleasure to you and allowing yourself to explore your natural sexual desires. When sexual health is neglected or out of balance, other realms of your life can suffer. A common problem is low libido. 

Since we’re all products of sexual energy, lack of libido can have a profoundly negative impact on our lives. When the underlying trauma or unexplored aspect of our lives are addressed properly, Dr. Brown finds that people often expand in more ways than they realize. 

Dr. Brown shares a simple but powerful practice that can improve our sexual health called Turtle Breathing. Turtle Breathing lays the foundation for all Daoist sexual practices and it can also tonify your adrenal glands. You can practice turtle breathing while standing or sitting.

Imagine you have a turtle shell on your lower back and as you inhale, you’ll push that imaginary shell toward the space behind you and as you exhale, allow the shell to come back toward your spine. In the beginning, you may find your abdomen more engaged but this will subside as you practice turtle breathing often.

Dr. Brown guides you through the turtle breathing practice at 50:39 of the podcast. 

Sexual energy or orgasmic energy can also be drawn in with a mindful practice like turtle breathing, improving your intimacy and sexual health!

Once you’ve listened, let us know in the comments belowon a scale of 1 to 10, how are you in relationship with your sexuality? What is inhibiting you from being at a 10?


Dr. Willow Brown’s website: https://drwillowbrown.com/

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(Episode 23) Get Unstuck by Healing Your Ancestry with Liza Miron

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

Once you’ve listened, let us know in the comments below — how did this conversation help deepen your awareness to heal the wounds of your ancestry?

Liza Miron’s Journey to Discover Family Constellations

Liza Miron’s passion is to help people grow, develop and connect to a higher level of awareness in order to enjoy life to the fullest.

For the past 15 years, Liza has been working with clients using different healing methods that include Family Constellations, Coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), meditation, channeling and reiki. Having studied and lived in the U.S., France, Singapore, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Guatemala has given Liza a unique perspective on personal development. 

Liza’s passion for Family Constellations came from her desire to work closely with people and help those who find themselves stuck regardless of the amount of support they receive in conventional coaching.

As she began to explore Family Constellation, she realized ancestral trauma can have tremendous effect on family systems. The burden of past ancestral trauma can keep people from accomplishing their goals and hindering their performance in life.

Healing through Family Constellations Therapy

Family Constellations was developed by Bert Hellinger a German psychotherapist, specializing in family therapy. As a therapist, Hellinger noticed a pattern in the difficulties faced by his clients and as Hellinger delved deeper, he noticed similarities in their struggle. In particular, they seemed to be carrying past familial traumas. By helping clients come to terms with inherited ancestral traumas, Hellinger passed on a powerful therapy modality that has since inspired healers like Liza Miron. 

Family Constellations is rooted in the belief that we make unconscious decisions influenced by our ancestors. Liza’s form of therapy asks that we let go of judgment and instead honor and respect our ancestors however imperfect or wrong their decisions may seem to us.

The goal is not to justify our ancestors’ actions but to bring awareness to the ancestral entanglements we may be carrying and to let go of the burden it is bringing into our lives. 

Liza focuses on energetics to help heal her clients. Although it helps to know or be conscious of the family members involved in the entanglements, Liza emphasizes that it is not necessary. As a therapist, she works with her clients to bring awareness to those entanglements whether they’re emotional or unconscious. 

Ultimately, healing oneself involves healing the family system as well. By healing ourselves, we’re thereby helping heal the bloodline that came before us and those that come after us. 

From the Chinese Medicine perspective, Family Constellations can also offer support through freeing our essence or Jing and allowing us to open our hearts to receive and follow our destiny. 

Although there’s love, wisdom, energy and knowledge in our ancestry, trauma or blocked emotions can keep us stuck in life.

Family Constellation allows us to heal and remove the obstacles keeping us from receiving the love, wisdom, success and knowledge we all deserve. 

Once you’ve listened, let us know in the comments below — how did this conversation help deepen your awareness to heal the wounds of your ancestry?


Liza Miron’s website: https://www.coachingandconstellations.com/

(Episode 12) The True Secret to Healing

Once you’ve listened, let us know in the comments below — how is the metaphor showing up in your journey to healing?

Today we’re discussing the topic of healing — what does it really mean to heal?

In Western medicine, the focus is on symptoms whereas in Classical Chinese Medicine the focus is on so many different aspects, including diet, lifestyle and habits.

So healing goes far beyond just removing our symptoms. It’s more about a total recovery or a shift.

Anytime you experience an illness or dis-ease, it’s an opportunity to change something. Illness arises in the physical body most often during times of crisis or stress or when we’re not paying attention.

Sometimes the stressful circumstances are not in our control, so there’s no shame about not being well. But when you’re not well, it’s an opportunity to look closely at all aspects of wellness — your mind, your body, your spirit; your total health.

Western medicine focuses on the eradication of symptoms, which is especially important for crisis and emergency. But Western medicine has shortcomings when it comes to the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes, arthritis and conditions where the body’s breaking down. Western medicine’s focus is to attack the pathology or to suppress the inflammation whereas Classical Chinese Medicine looks at where the imbalance is rooted and how to build up the body.

In order to heal you have to examine what’s happening in the body, mind and spirit.

Hippocrates was a Greek physician often recognized as the father of medicine who established the Hippocratic School of Medicine through which the practice of medicine was established in the world.

Hippocrates believed that diseases occurred through natural causes and not just because of superstition as many before him believed.

He stated: “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”

This is the foundation of healing but is often not the focus of Western medicine, which focuses on the disease state itself.

Our teacher, Dr. Jeffrey Yuen, often mentions that it’s important to look at the metaphor when you have an illness. For example, if you’re having throat problems, is there something you’re not expressing in your life?

The important thing when you’re examining the metaphor is to make sure you’re not feeling shame or guilt but rather using this new understanding to become empowered as you become aware of the patterns.

Getting diagnosed with a condition is an opportunity to awaken to how we’ve been living our life, so it’s an opportunity to change and have a better life.

In order to heal, you have to become different from the person who contracted the disease.

You have to change your behaviors, your diet, your mindset, and your lifestyle. And this is one of the main challenges with healing.

In the process of healing, it’s common to experience a healing crisis in which things get worse before they get better. This is especially common with skin issues, which can erupt during the course of treatment.

Listen to the episode to learn more about the true secret to healing, as well as examples that can help you understand the root of your dis-ease and the gifts of the process so you can unveil a healthier, more empowered state.

Once you’ve listened, let us know in the comments below — how is the metaphor showing up in your journey to healing?

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(Episode 1) A Path to Purpose: Salvador's Journey into the Healing Arts

The pandemic and accompanying challenges of 2020 have changed so much, and have forced many of us to really look at what we want and don't want in life.

One thing we've realized is that we want to find new ways to empower and inspire your journey to wellness.

That's why we've decided to start a podcast so we can start a conversation with you about natural healing.

Click below to listen to our very first episode, in which I interview Salvador about his journey into the healing arts.

You might be surprised that he began on a completely different path, only to find "love at first sight" with his first exposure to Chinese Medicine.

Once you've listened, we'd love to hear from you — let us know in the comments below what you found most intriguing about Salvador's story.

Your presence in this community is the inspiration behind the Natural Healing Podcast.✨

We hope it'll inspire you with hope, insights and possibilities to elevate your wellbeing.

We can't wait to connect with you!

💗Dr. Setareh & Salvador

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